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anyway juk visko pasitaiko juk cia online pokeris sekmes tiems kas kausis ne tik del savo garbes ir pinigu bet ir uz mus visus
matau už du forumus užsiregistrave esate - o žinot, kad galit žaist tik už vieną nes priešingu atveju išbanins iš turnyrų???
# If a qualifier is cancelled due to an insufficient number of players, players will be disqualified and the qualifier will not be rescheduled.
# Any player found taking part in multiple qualifiers will be disqualified. If the player is in the top 5, the ticket will be removed from their account and the player in the 6th position will be credited with the ticket and so on.
# Forums may not swap players who have qualified for the finals. Players who cannot participate in the finals will be timed out if they have registered.
# If a player's account is blocked by Risk Management for multiple accounts/other issues, they will be timed out and no swaps will be allowed.
o dekui kad pasakei .as galvojau kad jei vienam prisireginai tai kitam net neleis , bet leido .o taisykliu buvau neskaites net. nieko pasilikau tik ltbete daba
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matau už du forumus užsiregistrave esate - o žinot, kad galit žaist tik už vieną nes priešingu atveju išbanins iš turnyrų???
# If a qualifier is cancelled due to an insufficient number of players, players will be disqualified and the qualifier will not be rescheduled.
# Any player found taking part in multiple qualifiers will be disqualified. If the player is in the top 5, the ticket will be removed from their account and the player in the 6th position will be credited with the ticket and so on.
# Forums may not swap players who have qualified for the finals. Players who cannot participate in the finals will be timed out if they have registered.
# If a player's account is blocked by Risk Management for multiple accounts/other issues, they will be timed out and no swaps will be allowed.
Rytoj dalyvaujantiems siūlau pabandrauti ir mūsų pokalbių kambaryje, kad greičiau apsitarimas vyktų
Ir sėkmės patenkant į finalinį etapą!
ir as kritau kaip lapas eilini karta uzsokes ant bingo pokerio atstovo kuriam pries flopa tik 14 % tikimybes dave o po flopo tik 12 % (nes man atverte 2 poras iskart ir dar auksciausias) bet jis vistiek laimejo
anyway juk visko pasitaiko juk cia online pokeris sekmes tiems kas kausis ne tik del savo garbes ir pinigu bet ir uz mus visus
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maladec emili kad laiku susigaudei
vakar jau ir as sita pati rasiau bet vistikek dekui larumbai
Nėra už ką, kai laimėsit jei nebus gaila tai tikimės šiek tiek donatinimo
Rezultatus tikimės pateikt po pietų, kas gavo bilietus.
maladec emili kad laiku susigaudei
vakar jau ir as sita pati rasiau bet vistikek dekui larumbai
matau už du forumus užsiregistrave esate - o žinot, kad galit žaist tik už vieną nes priešingu atveju išbanins iš turnyrų???
# If a qualifier is cancelled due to an insufficient number of players, players will be disqualified and the qualifier will not be rescheduled.
# Any player found taking part in multiple qualifiers will be disqualified. If the player is in the top 5, the ticket will be removed from their account and the player in the 6th position will be credited with the ticket and so on.
# Forums may not swap players who have qualified for the finals. Players who cannot participate in the finals will be timed out if they have registered.
# If a player's account is blocked by Risk Management for multiple accounts/other issues, they will be timed out and no swaps will be allowed.
o dekui kad pasakei .as galvojau kad jei vienam prisireginai tai kitam net neleis , bet leido .o taisykliu buvau neskaites net. nieko pasilikau tik ltbete daba
emilcikas ir GS-flipside
matau už du forumus užsiregistrave esate - o žinot, kad galit žaist tik už vieną nes priešingu atveju išbanins iš turnyrų???
# If a qualifier is cancelled due to an insufficient number of players, players will be disqualified and the qualifier will not be rescheduled.
# Any player found taking part in multiple qualifiers will be disqualified. If the player is in the top 5, the ticket will be removed from their account and the player in the 6th position will be credited with the ticket and so on.
# Forums may not swap players who have qualified for the finals. Players who cannot participate in the finals will be timed out if they have registered.
# If a player's account is blocked by Risk Management for multiple accounts/other issues, they will be timed out and no swaps will be allowed.
na siemet tikiuosi nereiks vos ne iki paskutines minutes maldaut kad 10 tas zaidejas prisijungtu kaip kad pernai buvo
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Taip, tokia pati kaip pernai sistema.
kaip suprantu daba zaisime tik tarp saves kas uzsiregins is ir top5 los finale del tasku???
jei kas paskolina i mb 10 dolciu dalyvauju, mano pastas [email protected]
Nepamirštam, kad šiandien KARAI! registruojamės registuojamės, o tai labai jau vangiai kol kas
Žemiau kur reikia rasti, kad prisiregistruot.
Dar trūksta tik 3 žmonių kad įvyktų turnyras ir kitą savaitę dalyvautumėte dėl $60000 prizo dalies
Sėkmės visiems ir tikiuosi susirinksit 10 dalyvių šį vakarą!
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Rytoj dalyvaujantiems siūlau pabandrauti ir mūsų pokalbių kambaryje, kad greičiau apsitarimas vyktų
Ir sėkmės patenkant į finalinį etapą!
Labai patogus dalykas tas MB ypač su azartinėm bendrovėm
Ankščiau eidavo persiųst draugam bet jau senokai neina..
o eina is bwin saskaitos kitam persiust??tada kas nors galetu man ten 6 zalius atsiust as persiusciau lt is banko?