pokerio ir lazybu strategija Rakas
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Lažybų terminai Asian Handicap | (12 ats.) | Валентин Котовый |
Bet365 | (4 ats.) | Валентин Котовый |
BET36555 | (1 ats.) | Remigijus Vic |
Lietuvos sportinio pokerio federacija | (11 ats.) | David Nawicki |
Pasaulio čempionato konkursas 2022 | (19 ats.) | LaRumba |
Tenisas | (29 ats.) | husky |
Betsafe | (10 ats.) | LinaS_CH |
Skrill skelbimai | (2 ats.) | Arturas Jurkuvenas |
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Televizija, laikrasčiai, filmai ir kt. apie azarta | (34 ats.) | pirmas |
Įdomiausi sporto faktai, straipsniai, video reportažai | (112 ats.) | Top |
Darbo skelbimai lažybų bendrovėse | (43 ats.) | Razynka |
Lažybų blokavimas internetu | (11 ats.) | LaRumba |
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Didžiausias Jūsų pokerio laimėjimas karjeroje | (139 ats.) | fizruhas |
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Lažybų, pokerio, kazino, žaidimų sėkmės istorijos | (5 ats.) | mazas_Bwin |
Skrill (buvę Moneybookers) | (7 ats.) | evaldasn |
Rakas kodel tavo puslapy vientik kasio pickai? Juk galima pasipelnyt is futbolo ar kito sporto.. Seip galiu tau parduot geru lazybu strategiju,jei susidomejai parasyk i PM.
1st pick. A.Bogut (Australia) to score over 11pts. @ 1,8
Everyone expected him to be the leader of this team and what he is showing now is below his average opportunities. I think it is time for him to step up (I also thought that yesterday with Nowitzky, but he must be very well guarded and very tired). This guy is playing many minutes at a game - 31 and 34 so far, but shooting miserable (3/11 shoots vs BRA and 3/8 with 2/6 FT?€™s vs TUR). Greece defense is not bad at all, but Bogut should make at least 12 points at that is very likely when playing 30+ minutes in a game and hope he won?€™t have 3rd game in a row with a shooting percentage of only 30-40. The team?€™s leader should make some changes after 2 bad games.
2nd pick. USA - Slovenia under87pts @ 1,8 (OT not included)
I think this should be a little bit different game for USA than all before. Also it will be a different game for Slovenia. I?€™m talking about the tempo of this game. Two good teams shouldn?€™t be playing a "running and shooting?€¯ game. USA?€™s style shouldn?€™t change 180 degree, but they should be playing a little bit slower and should take a win here about 20pts. On my opinion Slovenia should score around 70pts. I saw many friendly USA?€™s games and both WC games and all I can say is that their defense is not as bad as it may look from results. The main reason why USA?€™s opponents are scoring so many points (China 90, Puerto Rico 100) is the tempo of the games. They should take this game more seriously so we can expect Slovenia to score under 87 points.
It may be a 3rd pick tomorrow before tha match, but we are still looking for info and considering weather to put it as main pick or not.
We also like USA 102+, Brazil +2, Qatar +32, Puerto Rico - China -169, Greece -8, Italy -87, USA - 16, Erdogan (Turkey) 9+, Gustas (Lithuania) 4+.
_________________ - your guide to successful basketball betting!
Pasistengsiu atsakyti i visus klausimus:
Apie puslapi galima pasiskaityti "About us", ten ir parasyta kad statymai rasomi tik is Lietuvos book'u pasiulos ir su gana prastais koeficientais.
Procentas rasomas laimejusiu statymu. 4 statymai laimeti is 10 ir yra 40%. Norint laimeti su pastoviu koeficientu 1,8-1,9 reikia kad laimeti pickai butu virs 50-52%. Kiekvieno menesio gale bus rasomas to menesio balansas ir parashyta realiai kiek unit'u pliuse arba minuse.
Praejusiu metu balansas gali buti ir daug kam neaktualus, nes nera jokiu irodmymu kad butent tiek buvo laimeta, nes praeitais metais sio puslapio dar nebuvo.
Pats galiu garantuoti kad 2005-2006 metu balansas buvo butent toks, nes jei butu buves minusinis tikrai nebutu puslapio Beto buvo galima irasyti ir 70 ar 80% laimingu pick'u. Viskas apie skaiciavima taipogi parasyta "About us". Koks buvo pelnas, kiek % ir t.t.
Na o del procentu - kalte musu, buvo isivelusi klaida, kuri dabar yra istaisyta. Laimeta ne 63,3% o 60,1% (284 teisingi pasirinkimai is 472 yra 60,1%)
Jei cia jau toks axujenas international puslapis su lt kofais tai jame taip ir parasyt reiketu.
Taip pat ten paziurejus idomu pasidare kaip tas balansas skaiciuojamas?
4 stavkes is 10 praejo ir prie balanso rasoma 40%. Turetu susidaryt ispudis, kad 40% navaro laimeta, bet... Tai man (galbut kaip durnam nesuprantanciam) paaiskink kam tie procentai isvis reikalingi, nes toks dalykas, kaip praejusiu stavkiu procentas nelabai aktualus, tuo labiau, kad kofai visi po 1.8. Tai gal tokiu atveju dar salia parasyk koks tas procentas reikalingas, kad vadovaujantis siomis prognozemis neit i minusa?
Taip pat kur rasti siuos pikus su tokiu balansu:
2005-2006 balance:
284W-188L (63,3%) won)
Cia gal kokiems kvailiu ieskojimams tokie skaiciukai (ypac kai net procentai neatitinka)?
Nu Nowitzkis ejo viskas gerai ir turejo 11tsk po 2 keliniu, bet per paskutinius 2 kelinukus sugebejo imesti 3taskus, o Gasolis per juos baige rinkti savo 16 tsk per subyrejusia vokieciu gynyba.
Pavarges jau Nowitzkis.
Tikiuosi Prancuzai pasigins ir nesumes savo totalo...
Yeah yeah yeah... Normal Lithuanian must know ENGLISH well... Cause we are ze best friends of America from all European countries...
Rasau angliskai, nes skaitytojai is kokios slovenijos, kroatijos ar kitos salies taip pat turi savo "local bookmakers". Kiek teko kelis metus skaityti uzsienio forumus, zmones irgi randa idomiu picku savo bukuose, todel paskaite tarkim kad ir mano pasiulyta Nowitzky - Gasol jie galbut pasirinks tiesiog Nowitzky over 20 ar panasiai, o is komandu total ir foru, tai tikrai gali surasti statymus daznoje uzsienio bendroveje. Sutinku, kad ne visus mano siulomus statymus uzsienieciai ras jiems pasiekiamose bendrovese, taciau tokius kaip Total ar Fora jie gali rasti ir dar su didesniais koeficientais.
Kadangi tai dar tik musu puslapio pradzia, tai ziuresim kokia bus paklausa ir kokie skaitytojai, nes kiek supratau is kai kuriu Lietuviu skaitytoju tai jie nelabai bus suinteresuoti kartas nuo karto pasiskaityti informacijos, todel jei didesne dalis besidominciu bus tik uzsienio statytojai, tai puslapis liks anglu kalba.
Gero krepsinio!
_________________ - your guide to successful basketball betting!
But, RakasBets, please explain me. Why then you are using English language for your picks? If you are using Lithuanian bookmakers and for example such picks as Gasol-Nowitzki with Gasol - 1.85 can't be found anywhere else except Lithuanian bookmaker. Isn?€™t there would more reasonable to use Lithuanian language. Since the users abroad are unable to use Lithuanian bookmakers. And you are losing some native readers, since not everyone in Lithuania understands English language.
France - Nigeria Under 159,5 @ 1,85 Orakulas
Both teams are playing more defensively than offensively. France lost their leader Parker, so there is one more minus for France?€™s offense. The way to win here will be defense, because both teams hasn?€™t got many "super?€¯ shooters as other teams have. Yes Nigeria showed their character in match between Serbia and got their first win, and yes they were shooting quite good, but I don?€™t think it will be the same in this match. Both team?€™s players are well prepared physically and can play tough in defense, so I expect a game with many fouls and unprepared shoots from both team. I predict France victory here about 10 pts, but the result shouldn?€™t be higher than 80-70 or even lower.
Who will score more points Gasol - Nowitzki @ 1,85 Omnibet
Gasol is one of the leaders, but there are many other (at least 5) players who can take his points and score 20+ points. Germany team also showed today that they have not only Nowitzky in their team and that other players can score too, but I think that in this match he should take his 20+ points and hopefully he will score some 3 pointers. Nowitzky?€™s minutes in game + quite good Germany?€™s defense and we should have a win here.
Good luck!
Idomus mastymas, taciau neteisingas. Jeigu idomu - butent man 22 metai, o statau siais metais kolkas Lietuvos bendrovese, nors turiu nemazai saskaitu ir uzsienio bendrovese. Nors komandoje esu ne vienas, taciau rasome statymus tik is Lietuvos bendroviu, nes kolkas neturime tiek laiko kiek reikalauja perziurejimas visu uzsienio buku pasiulos ir atrinkimas geriausiu picku. Kaip jau ne karta minejau, veliau galbut rasysim statymus ir is uzsienio bendroviu.
Kiek tau metu rakas?
pasiulymu is uzsienio buku teks laukti kol pilieciui sueis 18 metu ir pats gales ten statyti. koks tikslas ieskoti piku ten , kur pats negali pastatyti siulomi tie, kur tarpininkes ne visada pareikalauja pazymejimo
Kiek tau metu rakas?
We had many surprises on the first day in the World Championship. Serbia lost, Lithuania lost, Lebanon took their first win against Venezuela and Greece had some problems with Qatar.
Out of our 4 picks, only 1 won. Barbosa scored over 16 as we expected and we should have taken general total under in Lebanon game. Other two games weren?€™t as we expected at all. So we have to strike back to bookies on the 2nd day.
3 picks for now:
1st pick. Slovenia -3 @ 1,8 Topsport
Slovenia is demonstrating quite good team work and they have really strong squad this year. I see them as one of the favorites in this championship and hope they will manage to take 2nd place in their group. It should be the time for them to reach something more than before. Team is really working hard in offense and still have some problems in defense, but playing against Italy I don?€™t see it as a high scoring game. Italy managed to take their first win against China shooting very well from 3 point line. All in all their percentage of shots made was quite high for this type of game.
Slovenia know their opponents and know their 3 pointers so we can expect them to work more in defense and to disable Italy?€™s shooters like Basile. And without 3 pointers Italy doesn?€™t have much to offer with this year?€™s team.
2nd pick. France -1 @ 1,8 Topsport
We were going to take France handicap yesterday, but Parker changed our opinion. Yes he was one of the main leaders in this team, but still I think France is well balanced and 2nd loss for this team in a row would be a tough one. My opinion about Serbia was clear when I saw the players that are going to play for the team, but one more time we could remember that basketball is a "team game?€¯ but not "name game?€¯. Yes Serbia took some huge wins in friendly matches and yes they will also be angry after their performance with Nigeria, but there is difference when you are facing Argentina and when you are facing Nigeria. We can also remember that Serbia won against Argentina but it was only a friendly match, so tomorrow we hope to see a tough game between two strong teams, but we see it as France victory and the handicap we think is too low.
3rd pick. USA - China Under 186 @ 1,85 Omnibet
China was bad in defense against Italy and let them shoot with high percentage, so I think China?€™s coach Kazlauskas will make some changes and try to play calm against USA, because you can?€™t win against this team running and shooting. USA should make some decisions too because letting their opponents score 100 pts is real poor defense. USA?€™s coach was upset about his team defense so we can expect them working more in defense. All in all we see this game as a little bit slower (comparing with Puerto Rico game) and as a low scoring game.
Good luck to all!
Tiesiog nera ka dar daugiau atsakyt i tokius klausimus.